Monday, April 26, 2010

What makes a Spiritual Warrior

A Spiritual Warrior is one that stands in the gap between ordinary reality and Spirit. A Spiritual Warrior is armed with self knowledge, truth, prayer, discernment, and the ability to know truth from fiction. Often times Spiritual Warriors are reviled because they refuse to compromise truth to tickle people's ears with what they want to hear. They are lone voices crying in a wilderness of self deception, false prophets, and false teachings. These are people who walk alone, and are often misunderstood. They are charismatic and intense with a passion for truth and self discipline. They are the surgeons of the spiritual world often perceiving truth with a clarity that is often disconcerting. They get to the heart of the matter with a precision of mind that can at times be difficult to hear. They rarely mince words, but their purpose is not to wound with those words. While it may seem cold and harsh their words are often prophetic in their warning to abandon a certain path or mindset. Many Spiritual Warriors are often beset themselves with issues socially, spiritually and emotionally. They are people that have walked through the fires of purging themselves and have often had their own egos broken and then rebuilt and resurrected into a vessel fit for spiritual warring. They are our teachers, our beacons, our consciences and the connection between the seen and the unseen. Spiritual Warriors are the voices of prayer in the wee hours, the constant reminder to Creator of the frailty of human existence and the need for Creator's assistance. They are on the front lines of the battle between our shadow selves and our higher selves. Their calling is not an easy one, but essential, and even more essential in the times we live in today.

1 comment:

  1. An insight into the process of becoming a Spiritual Warrior is evident in your spirit. Good post.


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