Monday, April 26, 2010

Question of Mother Earth

Question: Mother Earth the entire planet's weather system is out of kilter. The scope of this is frightening and at times it feels as though you are angry with us, and lashing out at us.

My Children:
You have it all wrong. I am not lashing out at you in spite of all you have done to deface me and poison me. No my Children you have it wrong. Yes my Body is responding to the damage you have done. Yes the climate is warming, the polar icecaps are melting. Yes there are stronger tornadoes, and yes there are issues with rain, lack of it, extreme heat, and other natural disasters. This is not because I am lashing out my Dearest Ones.

Let us look for a moment at the process of cancer produced by cigarettes in your own bodies. When you choose to smoke the lungs are damaged by cancer producing agents. They are blackened, and tar from the cigarettes impedes their ability to deliver life sustaining oxygen to the vital cells that sustain your life. Eventually the body responds by producing cancer cells. This is immunity gone wild, and it is the body's reaction to an unnatural and unhealthy product that should never have been there to begin with. Now would you say your body hates you in this case? Of course it doesn't hate you. Is it lashing out? No, in essence the body is trying to protect itself, but the mechanisms have been so damaged that instead of protection the body ends up attacking itself and killing itself.

In the same manner Children my body is responding to the damage you have done, and continue to do. Unfortunately I cannot control the response of my body and you are feeling the results. You cannot poison the waters of life I have given you, the air you breathe, the very ground you were born from and end up going back to without consequences. This is not because I am angry, but because my body is a living thing. It is its own living ecosystem with checks and balances just as your own body is. If you were to stop drinking water you would die. If you were to stop eating you would die. In the process of life, there are delicate systems that keep you alive. If those processes are disturbed then pandemonium and ultimately death is the result. These are choices my children, your choices. You have made the choices, and these are now the consequences of them.

Some have asked Me, is this reversible? Yes however the time is fast approaching when it will not be reversible. Just as people become terminal due to poisoning their bodies, or neglecting their health, so am I fast becoming terminal. Once that point is reached no there will be no return, there will be no coming back. If there is a time to reverse this trend it has to be now before the damage is so extensive that no one will survive, no life on Earth will sustain itself as we now know it.

I have nurtured you Children but I am old and feeble now from continued abuse. I am sick in body, and the poisons are rapidly diminishing my ability to recover, recoup, and fight back to health. I love you; I have given myself in my body and my Spirit to ensure your continuance. I cry tears in the acid rain that falls. Bitter tears for what have I done my Children that I deserve so little respect? I burn in the mounting heat, and as the icecaps melt, so does my determination to recover from it. I rumble and move in tsunami's, earthquakes, and see the devastation my body causes and the lives it takes, and I cry my Children. I cry for you, for myself, and for all that I have done that goes unnoticed.

Wake up my Children before it is too late...Wake I say. With love Mother Earth.

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