Monday, April 26, 2010

More tree stories

I am Tree who stands. My boughs are connection to Father Sky and my roots are deep in the love of Mother Earth. I am that which balances and connects to both realms of heaven and earth.
Come and lean by my body and let me balance you. Let me help you remember your connection to our sacred Mother Earth and to Father Sky. I bring up that which Mother Earth gives, that which is sustenance and life. In turn I breathe out life to the four legged ones that surround me. Because of me the air you breathe is balanced.
I give and I take, I live and I sleep with the seasons, and there are lessons to be learned in watching this. I give myself to apparent death every winter yet rise again with life in the spring. There is no fear in this cycle, and rebirth and trust is the lesson for all to see and learn.
I am the Being who sings in the wind, who shelters in the heat, and who is here to serve all Creation and honor Mother Earth. Some of us provide food for the four legged ones, others for the two legged creatures, and the winged ones. We have given our bodies to the four legged ones for production of their homes, their paper, and many other necessities without complaint.
Our numbers must be balanced dear ones on this Earth. If you take of us, you must replant. If you take too many of us there are dire consequences. We are those that are here to balance the ecology. Without our bodies here to do this a chain reaction is set off that will damage not only Mother Earth, but all those that dwell upon her. Remember the gifts of life you are given through us and our dear Mother Earth. Those that take us to extinction will also foul Father Sky, the Cloud People, and life giving rain from the Cloud People.
We remind you we are sentient although few these days stop to hear our voices. We love you as Mother Earth loves you. There is nothing we won’t give, and we stand ready to serve and be a reminder of that great connection, the Sacred Hoop of Life.

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