Monday, April 26, 2010

Pig in a waller

I was praying last night about forgiveness, and what to do when someone refuses to respect your boundaries, or continues to insult you with their actions or deeds. What came to me is the analogy of a pig in a waller:

A pig by nature loves it's waller. In fact a pig is not happy unless it is literally immersed in mud and guck. They eat the garbage and refuse no one will touch and are perfectly content in doing so. They are the most innately perfectly unclean animals that we've domesticated.

Now can you imagine if we got angry at the pig for its nature? What if we held anger, bitterness, resentment against the pig for wanting to live in a waller? Taking it further, some have even tried to create a pet out of the pig. They dress it up, clean it, train it, even potty train the thing especially the small little asian pot bellied pigs. Talk about making a silk purse out of sow's ear! No matter what you do, a pig is still a pig. Either you live with its nature in harmony and forgiveness for what it is, or move on to another animal.

By the same token those who continue in shameful or despicable actions in my mind is equivalent to a pig in a waller. This has absolutely nothing to do with me or anything we have done, or will do in the future. Their desires are their own. What they do, and what they choose to fill their soul and spirit with is not something we need to take responsibility for. While it's normal at first to be upset and angry at the disrespect, I've come to the conclusion that the person most disrespected in this is not me, but the person themselves.

We are what we feed ourselves through our minds, our eyes, and our body and spirit. If someone wishes to feed themselves dirt and muck, or continue fill their soul with that, then we do not need to take that to heart as a personal affront. Their choices will lead to consequences emotionally and spiritually not to mention psychologically.

In short we need to just walk the path in forgiveness recognizing that such a soul is just being true to their nature. These are their choices to evolve out of the waller, or remain in it. Our job is not to be dragged down into it with them. Creator made it clear, channel the Light, be the Light, walk the path you are called to walk, and let Creator deal with that particular soul and their waller.

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