Monday, April 26, 2010

Fear and Faith

Faith and fear are two sides of the same coin. Fear is simply negative faith in action. Faith is simply positive energy in action. When we realize this then we can flip fear around to become positive manifestation. Fear is paralyzing because many people get into the what if syndrome. They end up awful-izing and find themselves unable or unwilling to move. It stands to reason then we can take that negative faith energy and harness it the way we harness electricity to produce light. This is a moment to moment process. Each moment that we utilize our energy to produce positive thought processes and or positive intent is one less moment based on fear. Our future is made up of such moment by moment choices. Our past is done and stagnant and it can't be changed or altered. Our future depends on our ability to harness our thought processes one at a time and overcome negative fear filled faith by filling our lives with positive hope filled faith. Many people want a quick fix. They want to have a once and for all cure of negativity, fear, and things that no longer serve them. What is not realized though is walking through the valley of fear or the shadow of death is part of our earthly realm of experience. As long as we are human we will fear. The idea is that if we do experience fear we have the ability to walk through it, stand in it, and overcome it. That is the very essence of courage. This is what makes a true hero. Hero's are not those who have no fear, although there are some reckless souls that seriously have little fear. Hero's are those that have their Achilles heel but triumph in spite of that.

One of the most heart breaking aspects of this is that people tend to blame themselves when they are fearful or imperfect in their manifestations. They begin to believe they have done something inherently wrong and despise what they view as their own weakness. What needs to be understood is that there is no judgment or shame in fear. There is nothing that someone can do to "deserve" a poor outcome. We are living in an imperfect and fallen world in which many things are not necessarily fair or equitable. This has nothing to do with the person themselves, or even the quality of their manifestations. Instead of flagellating oneself, one needs to be forgiving of oneself, loving and kind to oneself, realizing that all of life is one large lesson that is learned step by step. We take one step forward, two steps backwards, but always with the goal of attaining what it is we desire to manifest.

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