Monday, April 26, 2010

Message from the Angels

This came in a dream and seemed to be from what can only be described as a beautiful female Angel.

My Dear Childen

I wish to discuss with you the idea of the spark of Divinity that is in every human being.

Every Angel rejoices in humanity because of this spark of the Divine. It is this ember, this spark, this God life in every human that makes you special. When we look at Humanity, we do not see the corruption of the earth, the flesh, or even the spirit. What we see is the Divine potential, the ember of God in every human. It is this ember we celebrate, and it is why the Angels rejoice to help Mankind in general. It is this small ember that can be nurtured into a roaring fire of Spirit. Because Spirit has given Humankind free will though, it is a choice they can make. Some Humans have decided to leave that ember cold and unattended. It is here that you find the definition of what you refer to as "evil", although the Angels do not define it as evil per se, but rather a lack of light leading to dark acts, perversity, and other such things. By the same token Humanity can decide to stoke that ember, feeding it with Spirit's love and light, creating a warm fire of love, redemption, and healing. It is in this choice you will find the definition of "goodness", "wholeness", "redemption", and the like.

It is the joy and the direction of every Angel to help Humankind spark this ember of Spirit to bring healing and wholeness to the entire planet. Even the most perverse of Humankind while they live still have a choice to rekindle this ember or to leave it fallow and cold. Even in the worst of what Man refers to as sin, there is redemption and hope in the spark of Divinity if that person chooses to turn and rekindle this ember. This is a unique ability for redemption and wholeness that even the Angels don't enjoy. It is however the pleasure and indeed honor for Angels to help Mankind along this path should they choose it.

There have been many who have said that now is the time when great healing is coming to Earth through various light workers. While this is so, I would also point out that this is a time when great travail, pain, and choices for darkness rather than light are ever more obvious and increasing. There is coming a great divergence, a split as it were between the forces of light, and those who have chosen the dark path. Be ready, be vigilant, be in Spirit daily, because these times are difficult ones, and even the very elect may fall. Remember that each light worker is also a warrior. This is not a time for softness, for luxury, for putting one's feet up so to speak. This is a time for preparing, for girding up your loins, and for realizing that being a light worker may entail sacrifice. As you walk on this path, there are times you may feel very alone. There are times you may feel abandoned by Spirit, and by the Angels. This is not an easy path, but one in which even when you think you are alone, there are thousands of Angels behind the scenes working on your behalf.

Know this also, Angels do not see your flaws, Angels see the potential of every Human. Angels do not keep count of failures, nor do they see personality flaws in the perspective of failure. Rather those flaws, those weaknesses are instead the very opportunity Spirit can use to work through a Human being. It is in these flaws that Spirit is most manifest; because it then becomes obvious it is Spirit, not the person themselves. It is the Divine Spark within them, fully operational in that moment, glowing and hot with the Presence of Spirit that is then in operation. There is great joy in giving oneself to Spirit flaws and all, and giving glory to Spirit in its operation in an imperfect vessel.

Be well my Children and continue in your path.

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