Monday, April 26, 2010

Stories from the trees

Story from Grandmother Oak Tree (acorns)
There was a time when Mankind could dance with trees. Trees were not rooted into the ground but were mobile, alive, and animated by the joy, innocence, and connection to Source that Mankind had. Then Man began to change. He gave place to his shadow side and lost connection to Source and All Love. As this happened trees became less and less animated. The gnomes and faeries within the trees either faded or became hidden. The trees themselves eventually became rooted to the earth and their skins became hard and turned to wood.
The time is coming once again though when Mankind will find his connection to Source and All Love. This energy shift has been heralded and is now in process. When this happens joy will return, trees will reanimate, and men will dance once again with trees.

Story from Grandfather Pine Tree
Pine tree was very grumpy when I approached him. When I asked why here is what Grandfather Pine said to me:
"Mankind has abused our bodies. He has taken our bodies to build his home, produce his paper, and even decorate his home. He has not replanted our children the pine cones. While Pine trees are happy to serve Mankind, Mankind has not shown proper respect or stewardship. He has left our children to die fallow in the ground."
I then asked Grandfather Pine, "What can I do to help?" He replied, " Water my roots with your tears. Stand in the gap for conservation and replanting. Come and be with us in Spirit and help heal Mother Earth and the tree spirits. There are consequences when Mankind kills trees without replanting, and with such disrespect. We help clean the air and keep too much carbon monoxide from poisoning you. We hold many birds, we produce much fruit, we help keep the soil well drained. With the mass genocide of trees, there are not enough trees to keep the ecological balance in check. Gaia herself rumbles at this, and along with poisoning your air and climate with fossil fuels, you are adding to the issues by disrespecting the trees and their job here on Earth."

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