Monday, April 26, 2010

Riding the wave

Riding the Wave
The other day I was watching the Discovery Channel and they had a segment on surfing. As I was watching it occurred to me that there was an analogy to be seen in the surfing.
A surfer riding the wave is very much in the moment of what they are doing. When they are in that wave there is no turning back. There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow, there is nothing but that moment and that wave and riding it through. Once they paddle out they are totally at the mercy of the momentum of that wave for good or bad. The wave takes them where it will, and all they have to do is ride it to its conclusion. Sometimes the wave overtakes the surfer, and they are thrown from their paddle into the mercy of the pounding waves and surf. Their body is forced under water by the enormous forces at work, and then they must struggle to the surface for precious air, and reclaim their board once again. There is no time for anything else but being in the moment, being clear, focused, and in a sense battling with the forces that be. There is no time for worry, neither time for regrets, nor time for should haves, and no time for self pity, it's all about riding that wave to the other side.
In the same vein perhaps we can see our lives as a series of wave ridings. Perhaps when trials and tribulations hit the idea is to just be in the moment, ride the wave, trust in Spirit and let the lessons of life carry you to their ultimate conclusion. If we can harness the power of these lessons as surfers harness a wave, then not only is the result powerful, but we have ridden on top of tribulation rather than be consumed by it. When the waves of life bring us down crashing, it may be again the idea would be to struggle to the surface, and refuse to give way to self pity, fear, or despair.
It seems to me there is a lesson to be had here. So many times we get into should haves, would haves, could haves and if only I had done this or that. We use our precious time and energy harping on things we can't change and forces that we can't control rather than looking into the future. There are times we become embroiled in lack of forgiveness, anger, and the need for revenge. We want to control our environment and the outcome and get caught up in worry, fear, and doubt. This in effect drags us under the waves of life, suffocating us mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Sometimes the results are depression, physical illness of all kinds, and mental torment. Therefore the idea would be to let go and let Spirit or God into the equation. Instead of taking control perhaps the idea is releasing control and riding the wave in trust, and in that moment in time. It would not then be dissimilar to the serenity prayer which says "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

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