Monday, April 26, 2010

Another message at the wheel

This was given to me in July 2007:

My Dear Children:

As you are aware the earth is going through a tremendous shifting and changing this last year. Many souls have transitioned from this earth due to cataclysmic changes in the Earth's crust, and even its climate. There is a great deal of fear, apprehension, consternation, and sadness right now about these cataclysmic events. The question is being asked...why ...why is this happening, why now at this time?

Dear Ones, Mother Earth is in the midst of birth pangs at this present time and season. She is shifting and changing partly due to man's negligent use of resources that have shifted climates and air quality, but she is also shifting because there is a spiritual principle involved that I will explain.

This is now a time when Light is being born into this dimension and time that is Earth. Because of the birth of this Light, the Earth's womb is shaking. That which is dark is being sifted from that which is light. There are those souls that have contracted before they manifested to give up their earthly lives in this new birth. In the recent tragedy of Katrina, many souls not only gave up their lives, but were literally spewed and littered about the landscape for all to see. This tragedy was not just about the catastrophic hurricane, nor was it about race, color, or creed. What it was my Children, was the uncovering of a great darkness, the putrid darkness of poverty, of disease, of hopelessness, and of neglect that had been buried out of sight like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand. It was the corruption of the physical earth, of the spirit, soul, and body.

In this new birthing all that is not of Light, that which is putrid, decaying, corrupt will be brought to light for all to see. It is a wake up call my Children to cherish Mother Earth, and to be more respectful of Her resources. It is also a call to those who are of the Light to send healing to Mother Earth as she brings forth this new beginning from Her womb.

Out of these tragedies will arise a group dedicated to restoration and healing. There will be a sharper demarcation coming between those of Light and those not of Light. There will be shaking, rumblings, and times of great travail on the physical earth. There will be those who will transition during these times of great tragedy. But know this, with every birth there may be blood and pain, but there is also the joy of new life, and of new beginnings.

This Dear Ones is the spiritual principle. When Light comes into the world, when the prayer is made to heal and to attain to that higher level of consciousness, it brings forth physical travail on the Earth. Mother Earth has been corrupted by the uncaring indifference of man, by the pollution of her waters, by the fouling of her air. A cleansing is in effect and unfortunately when Mother cleanses herself it is not a gentle thing. It is earthquakes, it is violent rains, and it entails disasters of proportions seen only a few times in this present world.

Having said this my Children do not be afraid of what may transpire on this physical plane. All is as it is meant to be. Trust that there is more to this life than the physical. Be ready and willing to serve and comfort in this difficult time of transition. Know that each of you have signed up for a specific job in this season even before you incarnated on this plane of existence. Be at peace in spite of circumstance and put your trust in the Universe. Be the Light, do what is Light, live what is Light and you will receive blessings in doing so.

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