Monday, April 26, 2010

Message from the Elders

This was given to me at my wheel in prayer. This was written in 2006 and looking at this now it is uncannily accurate:

My dear ones remember to hold space of love, light, and healing in these difficult times. The Universe is beginning to put into play the birth pangs of a new and great movement. As darkness descends on this plane, more and more Light workers will be put in place around the globe. Some will be right in the middle of the chaos bringing light, love, healing and a refuge. Others may be martyred in the process of this change. Some will be sent to regions of safety, pockets of calm in the middle of the storm to bring about the ultimate plan that the Universe has in store for its Children.
Along with the conflict among men, there will be more incidents of global phenomenons such as earthquakes, floods, severe weather changes and patterns. Expect more economic and political upheaval in the coming two years. Understand that no change, no birth process is ever without the pains that go with it. One can either submit to fear, or submit to the Light. Watch what you manifest, and remember that what you think, what you say effects change on this physical plane. Be vigilant, but not fearful. Be full of Light and love, and continue to move forward.
We recently had a huge energy shift which started yesterday and is continuing over the next couple of days. In your daily time remember to manifest as much positive and loving energy as you can. As you work, as you eat, as you sleep, continue to bring down this new energy matrix through your meditations, your thoughts, and your intent. Remember that the vibrations of this energy are comparable to a spiritual earthquake. Keep grounded and watchful and continue to ask for guidance as this energy shift continues.
We are very pleased with all our Light workers and wish to let you know how much loved and how very special you all are. We honor your commitment to your contracts and we are joyful in your awakening.

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