Monday, April 26, 2010

Brother Bear

Brother bear stay with me, be with me
Walk in front and be my guide
Safely see me through the dark
Until light shines my path.
I call to you within my heart
It beats with your own
I hear sound of your voice echoing
the ancient memories stirring my blood.
May your medicine keep me strong
Let my moccasins always walk your path
The strength of your stride
keeping my feet straight on the path.
Come to my kiva fire and I shall honor you
For I have roamed through the Canyons and
from this height I look down onto the people
I looked up, for the time is coming.
In the roar of the bear, a message comes
Once again the Elders will tell the stories
Ancient Ones within the stones call your medicine
From Four Sacred places, all will come to be known
Wisdom and Knowledge will flourish
That which was lost shall be found
Red and White as one United, take heed
This is the time to listen and the time to learn.
Hear the beat of People's feet echoing the drums
War cries of joy heard in the ears of the Creator.
All singing, One Heart, One Nation and many Colors
with the roar of The Mighty Bear.
Walk with me.
Celebrate the rebirth of time.
Celebrate the Awakening .
Brother Bear, Dance with me
The Nations no longer slumber!

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